quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009

Exposição virtual
Na Dupla Sombra das Árvores


"Esta exposição virtual resulta da exposição Na Dupla Sombra das Árvores, patente no Jardim Tropical do IICT (Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical), e que foi inaugurada no dia do centenário do Jardim Tropical, a 25 Janeiro de 2006. Como referiu o seu comissário, Rogério Abreu, esta exposição funde vários elementos: os exemplares vivos do Jardim passam a coexistir com as espécies que os autores das fotografias enquadraram, ao mesmo tempo que, em grande parte delas, o espaço da natureza é habitado pela presença humana. Pelo Jardim, à sombra das árvores, podemos "viajar" por outros mundos de sombras que diferentes olhares, na sua subjectividade e interesse particular, testemunharam."

Virtual Exhibition
Under the Twofold Shade of Trees

"This garden, originally called the Colonial Garden, has continually supported tropical agricultural teaching and scientific research, allowing visitors to discover and enjoy its heritage. When I took office as President of Tropical Research Institute (IICT), I undertook to make this garden a place where scientific research and environmental education could be promoted in such a way that it would dynamically reflect IICT's heritage and research activities.
Using the language of visual anthropology, this project, Under the Twofold Shade of Trees, combines information about African communities and data from the missions and research projects of botanists, zoologists, archaeologists, historians and anthropologists from the IICT, who took these pictures and participated in the activities depicted in the exhibition.
This is an interdisciplinary initiative that invites us to think about issues such as sustainable development, biodiversity, heritage preservation, cultural diversity and social inclusion, through the reconstruction of memories and identities. Given the new kinds of heterogeneity in Portuguese society, this cultural and scientific product calls for the development of crosscultural education projects."

President of IICT
R. da Junqueira, 86 - 1º
1300-344 Lisboa
Telefone: 21 361 63 40
e-mail: iict@iict.pt

In site IICT

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